Cinnabons the best recipe
November last year turned out to be really sweet, not like this one. Up to the last numbers the bright sun was shining, it was warm enough – in one word it was golden autumn. So, walking in the park one day, I really wanted cinnamon rolls. I didn’t care what they were, I just wanted cinnamon baked goods. Believe it or not, I went around several stores, a few more mini-bakeries, but I could not find anything with cinnamon anywhere. Out of desperation, I was ready to open a bag of cinnamon and eat it in one gulp just like that.
Then I remembered that as a child, my mother gave me kefir with cinnamon for a headache. But, I didn’t want kefir, I wanted sweet buns. Then, in despair, I bought an ordinary ice cream, let it melt, put a spoonful of cinnamon in it and in one gulp, greedily ate it. My husband was shocked … But I didn’t care. After knocking down Oski and realizing that no one except me would make me those cinnamon rolls as I wanted, I started baking sinabons.
This Easter, sitting in quarantine, I repeated my masterpiece, although then I could not choose – sinabons or sticky buns, so I baked two recipes at once. And a year later, I again wanted to meet the winter with the spicy scent of cinnamon.